The New Job …

I was a doctor in a nice city, had the best clients and never to worry at all.

But one day, my little bitch of a girlfriend left me because i wanted to do a job further out the city. They were paying me alot more …

Why didnt i listened to her? I should blame myself… She warned me about it..

Nothing good was heard from that place, but the payment was too good to say no.

As i started working in the crematory asylum, she said that my health was decreasing. I wasnt even looking at her or talking much at that time..

This place was just a living nightmare and every minute was managable with cheap cigaretts.

I thought i was acting normal, but i only was loosing my mind down there.

She left, and my world crashed.. Not because she left, but because she took secretly money from my account …


„Deep breath..“ – anyway.. lets continue on what happend there..

The first time i was inside the building, i was there with three colleagues which got supervised by one invisible boss.. We never saw our actual boss and every corner was filled with cameras.

I always wondered why.. It was like every step was watches specially to secure our health they said..

They gave us a pill but never told what was inside it. They only mentioned that this little red/blue pill would give us…more concentration and power at work. To be honest i didnt felt anything but it was calming the mind a little, so we all took it without asking too much.

The building was extremely rusty and dirty, the toilets broken and the corners stinky … This place had never been cleansed before ? I asked myself daily. The workplace itself was better than nothing but compared to my work in the city, it was an absolute nightmare.

The floor were long and hardly lightend, it was really scary when working alone often. After a time of working inside the facility, i was aware of paranormal activitys but those were little things to bother.

Our job was to check the dead bodys in the cooling room as a routine check up and to make sure that the decomposing bodys were in the right place.

It was always a real horror when it was raining loud outside in the middle of nowhere, every contact breached and the only working phone was to our boss or security which .. we never saw as well.

Following the rules was the key to not get insane in there. Besides the looks of that place, the working atmosphere was cold, every step was loud and even a little drop of water could scare you every second. It was a place for people with strong nerves, but the reality was different ..

My co-workers always worked together and when they left, i was going to my shift which i didnt liked at all.. Being alone there ..with flickering lights and dead bodys.. but hey.. money right?

One day two workers left and told that they were too scared working there anyomore, i was curious about what really happend, they were working already six months and now they were leaving ? Sounded strange but it was actually not uncommon here. Everyone left with mostly the same sentence

„Run as long as you can, the pill dulls the truth about this place“.

It runs chills down my spine … i shouldve never even thought about it..

To be continued …

Autor: Arslan_M.

Spirituelle Bewusstseinsentwicklung und Erforschung metaphysischer Welten Alle Bücher von uns sind auf der unten aufgeführten Website: zu finden (URL-Link).

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