Satanic Party Final Part

Final part of the Satanic Party

As everyone in the room had circeled those two. The people began one after another torturing them. One stabbed, the other cut, the other spat and hit them as they liked. They were guinea pigs and nothing more. They did very horrible things to them. To top things off, after they had cut them, they drank the blood coming out of them and from the weapon. It looked as if they would get high on them. As if the blood would increase their crazyness. And then they randomly started making out again with each other.

It was really intense what was going on and hard to believe. I heard only screams and they were begging to stop but it was just laughed off. They were half dead before me and everyone was done with them and looked at me again. As if they knew that i had not done anything to them yet. They made me a way towards them and i knew that this was their test. If i would finish them, i would be like them and couldnt say a word to anyone. But if i dont do anything, i would be dead as well. Why was i thinking like this !? As if they would kill me ? Since the drug was wearing off a little i was confronted with the reality that it was all real. I couldnt believe it and started shaking. I cant kill anyone! As i stood there, not moving forward, i was given a push from the guy behind me. It was the billionaire guy and host! He wanted me to finish the party.

I couldnt think straight and the only thing i knew was that this was my chance to strike him down and maybe end it. If he would live, people would be killed constantly and this just couldnt happen. Yes he was a billionaire and had probably a lot of contacts. So if he woud live on, i could say anything to the police and they wouldnt believe me at all. Atleast that was what i thought in that moment.

He pushed me harder and said „Finish it“ but before i made a step forward, i turned around and cut his throat straight open. Blood was gushing out and he was suffocating to death. Suddenly everyone screamed and panicked. The people smashed the windows and doors open and run away. It took a complete different turn from what i had expected. Dexter and Karl were shocked but i dont think they had noticed much from all the blood loss.

Everyone escaped and i called the cops. I had expected to be shot and killed instantly after the strike but nothing.. Even the security ran away.

After the police arrived and noticed that it was a billionaire, they furthered their investigation. Karl and Dexter survived but were still in the hospital. But they had enough energy to tell the police what had happened. I was free too go and even a inside surveillance camera showed what happend in that restaurant. Guess they were stupid enough to film all that from the inside and it helped to bust them all.

It had made a huge impact on the world and the story was online for months. A bunch of celebs were taken to prison and they even found that it was a huge human trafficking ring around the world.

Without a doubt my act was not the best. But we are still alive thanks to my decision. That was the last time i went to a super rich folks party…

Wie viel „Manifestation“ steckt im Leben?

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Gesundheitshilfe für Alle – Wie man vorbeugt!

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Traumorte und ihre Abhängigkeit?

Hallo Zusammen, Im heutigen Blog soll etwas spezieller darum gehen, wann welche Träume auftauchen. Träume sind nicht einfach Träume, denn es entscheiden viele Details darüber wie, wo, womit, mit wem, wann, welche Deko usw. man träumt.  Hier entscheidet die Tiefe des Traumes, sprich der Zustand der Ruhe des Körpers darüber, wo man träumen wird. Man…

Satanic Party

The witness of a satanic cult

One day a friend of mine named Karl asked me to come to a super secret club. He knew a friend who could bring us inside if they knew the password for the entry. Karl had been given the password.

I didnt knew what i should expect and i had no plans either so i agreed. The day before my friend Karl had told that we should wear masks. It was one rule to enter together with being dressed rather nicely. A suit and tie would be fine we thought. It was probably some lame ass party for rich folks who would take a bunch of cocaine and rock i thought. This should be fun.

The night of the party Karl picked me up and introduced me to another guy in the car. His name was Dexter. He knew the rules and how we should behave during the party. He seemed like a cool guy but something seemed odd for me. It was as if i couldnt trust him. Neverless we arrived at a very expensive Restaurant outside town. This was a special quiet place for super rich people who could afford it. I thought damn, i hope everything is for free because if not, i will be a bum tomorrow. Dexter and Karl laughed their asses off but they were not doing better financially then me.

We got out of the car and saw already a bunch of people with masks and fancy looking outfits going to the restaurant. Dexter went ahead and told us to not forget the password at the entrance. I told Karl that i dont trust that guy and neither did he trust him. We looked around and only saw super cars and mega villas around the restaurant. The restaurant itself was made of glass and it was four stories high. However the basement looking area was blacked out but i guessed that it was normal.

As we walked towards the entry, Karl and i saw a few creepy looking guys with black robes entering the restaurant from behind. I didnt knew what to think at first, maybe it was part of an upcoming show i thought. Karl laughingly said that we probably end up being sacrificed, tapped my shoulder and went ahead towards entry. A big guy greeted us friendly and asked for the passwords. I said „Fly and Kill“ and suddenly he took out his phone and told me to wait. Karl was waiting for me as he had already passed through. After a few seconds he told me to enjoy the party and i went through. After walking a few more meters from the entrance i looked back and the security guy started laughing while he looked back at me. That was the first strange thing during the night. I asked him whats so funny and he just turned around and said nothing back. It seemed he was told to not do anything..

I wasnt optimistic about the party and we went ahead. The people were following ahead and just by the looks i knew that this was not our place to be. All the people seemed to know each other and looked really like prince and princesses. We on the other hand looked like bums already with our one hundred dollar suits. But maybe it was just my imagination i thougt. We went inside.

The room was huge and naked girls were presenting us with drinks. Pretty much all guests. I looked at Karl with the mask and he began to laugh and showed his thumbs up. He would completely go nuts when the girl here already were naked. He knew behind closed doors there would be something else going on. Suddenly the doors behind us closed and the lights were pointed at a red carped entry. A moment later a very famous billionaire came out and greeted everyone. He asked if everybody is now inside and then told how greatful he was for these events and all who helped with it.

Than music began to play and everyone threw money out of their pockets and screamed loud „GO GO Go KILL THE BIRD“. We had no idea what was going on and laughed under our masks. I knew that Karl would steal the money on the ground whenever he could. I would too. It was all hundred dollar bills. The billioniare came out with a big golden painted goose and held it up high. The people were going nuts. Than he cut open the stomach in front of everybody and instead of blood, a bunch of yellow pills came out. Everyone rushed towards those pills and consumed them immediatley. We didnt knew what those pills would do but we run there as well and took a few. Every super rich could afford anything right ? So what about those pills we thought. What was special about them ?

It was just a party drug right ? I saved mine and Karl ate it. But i didnt wanted to be bored so i chugged mine a moment later down with a glass of super expensive wine. I wanted the night to be really fun because it was just once a year Dexter had told. I had not seen him since we entered the party. But it was now not the time to think about it. The drug began to kick really hard…

I should soon regret my decision …

To be continued…

Momentane Lage und Was kommt

Hallo Zusammen, Wie ihr mitbekommen habt wird letzter Zeit weniger gebloggt. Es ist einiges an neuen Informationen eingetroffen über Träume, Astralwelten und Bewusstsein. Es ist enorm komplex und ich will nicht den Blog damit voll klastern. Es sind mehrere Bücher geplant und es soll auch Sinn ergebend klingen, daher wird es noch mehrere Monate dauern.…

Verhalten der Traumszenarie bei Bewusstsein

Hallo Zusammen, Heute schauen wir uns mal an, wie sich ein Traum und dessen Kulisse bei Bewusstsein verhält. Träume bauen durch das Unterbewusstsein eingehauchte Gedanken in das Blickfeld des Träumenden. Das bedeutet, dass unkontrollierte Gedanken im Schlaf (wie jeder sie nunmal mal mehr oder weniger hat) einfach nur eine Spielfläche erhalten und somit „real“ werden.…

Was sind Träume?

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