Taking a walk … outside …

Anxiety to walk outside, alone

It was a late afternoon when i decided to take a little walk along the road of my town. Since the state had everything under lockdown, it was forbidden to take any walks outside in daylight without your security ID for the corona virus. But nights it seemed to be alright, so i pulled over my shirt, took the keys, close the door and went outside..

A warm wind was blazing along the trees.. the street was empty. I decided to take a walk through the woods instead through the streets because i might get trouble from the so called „friend and helper“.

After few minutes of walking in darkness, i noticed a broken house in the forest. It seemed someone was living inside there because a candle was lit at the window, but when i came close, there was no window and the candle went off.

I was about to leave and not cause trouble for traspassing but .. something seemed odd about the house. I had never see it before and i was living here now for seven years. How did it come that i never noticed it ?

The house was really big i thought, the lenght could assume that it was a hangar for aircrafts.. but it wasnt.

Before i wanted to go away, i heard footsteps behind me. An old guy was coming right at me with his eyes locked at my face. My heart started to pound quickly, was i in danger ? Should inget ready to fight him? Why was he not saying anything and coming towards me ??? .. Questions drove me to the point of trying to hit him first before he would but,…. we walked past me … He was wearing a robe like outift, it was very unusual i thought. Maybe it was camouflage? Trying to stay in the shadows from the police i thought.

<p value="<amp-fit-text layout="fixed-height" min-font-size="6" max-font-size="72" height="80">He went straight to the house and was about to open the door but turned around and yelled loud "DONT GO THERE!". Was he meaning me ? He clearly wasnt looking at me, but to the darkness from were he came from. The situation was strange enough but when he went inside, he left the door open. He went straight to the house and was about to open the door but turned around and yelled loud „DONT GO THERE!“. Was he meaning me ? He clearly wasnt looking at me, but to the darkness from were he came from. The situation was strange enough but when he went inside, he left the door open.

I was unsure .. why should i even think of going inside when this freak just went there, maybe he was living there i thought. I was about to leave when i noticed something strange.. It was suddenly cold and very dark…

But screw that, i decided to go home and not fuck around with people who scream into the woods! A ticket from the police was still better than ending on a sacrificial table.

I walked away from the house and as i was walking back, i looked back one more time.. My heart started racing and i started to run … The guy with the robe was sprinting towards me and he held a machete or sword in his hands… He was screaming „DONT GO THERE“ but i was running until i couldnt see him anymore.

After a few minutes i was back on the main road and took my breath before i decided to walk home, but making sure that he wasnt following me.

Wie viel „Manifestation“ steckt im Leben?

Hallo Zusammen, Heute soll es um die Möglichkeiten der Manifestation gehen. Es gibt wie ihr vielleicht wisst unzählige Gurus und Menschen, welche euch immer wieder das Gleiche erzählen wie „Manifestiert vor euren Augen wo ihr sein wollt und ihr werdet dort irgendwann sein“. Dies ist natürlich völlig dahergezogenes Gequatsche. Man kann sich schließlich auch vorstellen…

Gesundheitshilfe für Alle – Wie man vorbeugt!

Hallo Zusammen, heute soll es um Gesundheit gehen und wie man dies aufrecht erhalten kann. Hierzu sollen alle Altersgruppen miteinbezogen sein. Jedoch keine Krankheitsbilder! Beginnen wir mit dem Leichten. Jeder kann in der Natur spazieren gehen und frische Luft einatmen. Man mag dies vielleicht nicht sofort als eine körperliche Gesundheitshilfe sehen, jedoch wirkt sich dies…

Traumorte und ihre Abhängigkeit?

Hallo Zusammen, Im heutigen Blog soll etwas spezieller darum gehen, wann welche Träume auftauchen. Träume sind nicht einfach Träume, denn es entscheiden viele Details darüber wie, wo, womit, mit wem, wann, welche Deko usw. man träumt.  Hier entscheidet die Tiefe des Traumes, sprich der Zustand der Ruhe des Körpers darüber, wo man träumen wird. Man…

Autor: Arslan_M.

Spirituelle Bewusstseinsentwicklung und Erforschung metaphysischer Welten Alle Bücher von uns sind auf der unten aufgeführten Website: Katjasbauchladen.wordpress.com zu finden (URL-Link).

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