The New Pills

It was a normal tuesday and i was heading as always to my 9 to 5 job and after that to my psychatrist.

I had depressions over a year because of my job. It was boring and depressing to work there. Nothing new happend. The boss of the company was quite nice and actually friendly compared to my co-workers which were zombies.

Typical movie scene were everyone sits in front of their desk and type something, looking busy.

After work i took off to my therapist, he had told me last time that he had new pills which would show me „the truth“ as he claimed and why i was depressed.

I was excited and liked talking to him, he actually was listening… Not many listened what i had to say and no one cared in this system fucked world… How many kill themselves because no one just could listen ..

Anyway i made it to my destination after a few minutes of walking from the city center.

I went in and „Hey hello Anna how are you doing?“

„Hey Alex thanks im good, hope you do well too! Dr. Oppenheim is expecting you – you can go straight through the door“ said the lovely secretary.

I walked through the door.

„Klick“ pressed the handle down and went inside.

He was sitting in his leather chair „Hi alex, good to see you! Today is a special day!“ he said.

„Hi doc, good to see YOU! What will we talk about today?“ I asked.

„Well as i mentioned last time, the new pills arrived but first let me tell you something and hear well! Nothing of this is allowed to enter the outer world understood! Not a single word! What youre about to see will show you the real world we live in!“ he said silently.

I got really excited and nervous, what was he talking about?

„Okay i understood!“ i replied.

„I already took a few myself and my heart nearly stopped from the reality slash … so be prepared! You will take one pill now and one in the evening“

It was strange to hear that a psychatrist had a reality slash, what did he ment by that ? Well i was going to find out really soon!“

He gave me the pills and i took one.

He said „whatever you do, NEVER look surprised when you see them! Otherwise youre in big trouble not only when youre alive!“

I laughed and thanked him. Maybe this would give me new essences to my boring live.

„We will not talk today, go out and see yourself … and remember .. dont loo…“

„Yes i know… dont look surprised! I got it!“

We shook hands and he said „see you around because this roller coaster will be whole different trip!“

I laughed loud and left.

Twenty minutes left until i took the pill but i didnt felt anything .. was it a psychological test or something? i thought.

Than i walked beside a restaurant and the first heart race started… Why? because i saw how babys and animal heads were took inside the restaurant. It was bloody as hell and my eyes nearly popped out.

„What the fuck ?! Is this what he meant ?! This is insane!!“ I screamed silently inside myself.

Than i saw a octopus looking being in a suit coming my way … This was even scarier and i started panicking..

He said dont look suprised … i stood there normally and as he looked at me, i looked rather shocked.

This was definetly an alien and he was there in daylight with a damn suit! And no one seemed to bother?? Why couldnt we see them ? How was this possible?

My head was running crazy and i couldnt contain myself.


I said nothing and started running, i didnt felt safe anymore anywhere.

I needed to go back to the doctor.

As i run, i saw more and more of them watching me… It was scary. The world was completely different than the world i knew before and those pills showed how it really was. This wasnt a hullucination right?

So many questions and no answers.. i finally came to the doctor and slammed the door open. The secretary stood up and said „you cant be here!!!“.

„I have to see the doc now!“ and knocked on the door while going in.

The doc was sitting there .. and his client was looking at me.. he was one of them… The doctor was one of them.. and he was smiling ..

„Hello Alex.. Good to see you…“ as he stood up and so his client, while slowly walking towards me…

My head couldnt take it, i faded away..

After i woke up in a hospital, the doc was there too. I was surprised why he had come at all.

„Did you see it alex ? The real world? .. This is just the beginning!“

He smiled.

My heart started racing.

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Autor: Arslan_M.

Spirituelle Bewusstseinsentwicklung und Erforschung metaphysischer Welten Alle Bücher von uns sind auf der unten aufgeführten Website: zu finden (URL-Link).

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